The Short Answer…
The existence of a supernatural designer of some sort is self-evident. If you see a building, you know that there was a builder who built it. You may have never seen or know who built it and there may not be any records to prove that anyone did, but it is self-evident because the building is the evidence of the builder.
It is an axiom, a self-evident truth. Looking at the complexity, design and information contained in creation, it would be far fetched for any unbiased mind to conclude anything else than the existence of an Intelligent Designer. Of course you may argue about who or what this ‘Intelligent Designer’ is, but that is another topic to explore elsewhere.
The long answer
The following is an extract from the The Craig-Washington Debate, used with thanks.
I’m going to be defending two basic contentions: First of all, that there’s no good reason to think that atheism is true and, secondly, that there are good reasons to think that theism (believing in God) is true.
I. There are no good reasons to think that atheism is true.
So let’s look at my first major contention together, that there are no good reasons to think that atheism is true. Atheism, or the claim that there is no God, is just as much a claim to know something as is theism, the claim that God does exist. Therefore, if the atheist is to prove his view, he must do more than say, “There’s no good evidence for God’s existence.” He must present positive evidence against God’s existence. Atheist philosophers have tried for centuries to disprove the existence of God, but no one has been able to come up with a convincing argument. So … “What is the evidence that atheism is true?”
II. There are good reasons to think that theism is true.
So let’s turn, then, to my second basic contention, that there are good reasons to think that theism is true. Now I’m not claiming that I can prove that God exists with some sort of mathematical certainty. I’m certainly not going to be able to convince you against your will. I’m just saying that the evidence makes it plausible that God exists, that on balance… to read more visit