Exactly… what do we care about and why do we care?

Simply put, we care about you.


Let’s start with the Christian Bible revealing a person named Jesus who was sent by God to proclaim a new Kingdom. Jesus proclaimed to be the Messiah from the Hebrew word “Mashiach” which means “Anointed One (or Christ). Matthew 16:16 “Simon Peter said, “You’re the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s will as revealed in the Old Testament, and he is the Lord of the true Christian Church. He is the “Son of David”, a “king”, and the Messiah.

By now you have probably guessed this website is about those who follow Jesus (the Messiah, the Christ) whom practicing Christians believe is the Son of God, full of mercy and kindness to the extent that while He (Jesus Christ) was on earth, He healed the sick and beat up Satan [AKA Lucifer], a God created being as per – Ezekiel 28:13:”…on the day you were created“.

Yes, Lucifer is merely a created being (by God) and Jesus (the Christ) came to destroy the works of this created being commonly referred to as  Satan (which means adversary).

What are some of the “works” of this merely created being named Satan?

Well, Jesus (the Christ) smashed Satan’s “works” by stepping down out of Heaven to become a human being (known as the Son of God) on earth healing the sick, lame, blind, demon possessed and much more.

Here are some Bible recorded examples of Jesus’ healings:

  1. Matthew 4:23
  2. Mark 3:1-6
  3. Luke 13:10-13
  4. Acts 10:38

Here are some current recorded examples of Jesus’ healings through His followers:

  1. Baby raised up!
  2. Arthritic pain healed
  3. Hypothyroidism healed
  4. Pneumonia healed

As followers of Jesus, we care about you because He (Jesus) cares about you. You see to Jesus and to us you are a very precious person.

And so… you are most likely here because of one or more of the following:

  1. A follower of Jesus prayed for your healing or that of your family or friend and directed you to this website for more information.
  2. A follower of Jesus engaged with you and directed you to this website to assist you further with your search for answers.
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